Introducing cat to children


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No matter if the cat or children have come first, we explain how to manage those early introductions


As with all things cat, when it comes to whether or not the feline in your life is going to get along with a baby or small child, nothing is guaranteed. If you do have small children and are considering getting a cat or kitten, the usual mantra of take your time and do your research applies. Granted, it’s not easy when you’ve got small children pleading with you, but to optimise your chances of having a healthy, happy, and lasting relationship between cat and children you must stand firm.

Here are some things to think about:

  • Your children may try to sway your decision by promising to do the cat-related chores. The reality is that you will likely end up being the cat-slave and do you have the time to devote to feeding, litter tray cleaning, regularly playing with your furry addition, and generally making sure his welfare needs are met? Kittens in particular require lots of commitment.
  • Cats and especially boisterous children don’t make for a match made in heaven. Such an environment can be stressful for even the most placid of cats, so if this is the case for you, it may be a good idea to wait until the children are a bit older before acquiring a cat. Some rescue centres are reluctant to rehome cats with children, while others will use a stringent matching process to minimise the chances of a cat being returned to them. This is in the long-term interests of all concerned. If want a pedigree cat, do your research and choose a breed that has people-oriented characteristics. 

The ground rules

Once you have made the decision to get a cat, there may be a period of several weeks before being able to bring him home. This period provides a great opportunity for you and your children to learn about cats and their behaviour. If you’re acquiring a kitten from a breeder, try to choose someone reasonably local and who will allow you to visit regularly. In this way, you can help ensure the kitten receives socialisation with children and your children will be able to get involved from the start of your kitten’s journey with you.

This is also a good time for you to lay down some ground rules including agreeing who will be responsible for aspects of your cat’s care, although as mentioned above, these might not always be adhered to!

It’s important to pre-allocate a room where your cat can be placed on arrival. The room should contain his food, water, hiding places, high places, litter tray, and toys. Your cat is likely to be nervous for a period of time, so ensuring your children understand when and when it isn’t appropriate to interact with him is important, as is how to handle him, and these are principles that should be understood and applied throughout your cat’s life.

Children should learn that the most acceptable form of physical interaction is gentle stroking around his head. Generally, cats aren’t fans of being picked up so this should be discouraged unless your cat turns out to be very tolerant. If you have toddlers that are likely to squeal in excitement, chase, or even pull the tail of a cat, installing a baby gate to allow your cat a peaceful toddler-free zone is a must. Children that are old enough should be taught the importance of keeping windows and doors closed to avoid the possibility of an attempt at escape.

You can help create and maintain positive associations between cat and child by encouraging children to regularly play with him using long handled toys that the cat can chase and jump up at. Allowing older children to feed treats to a new cat is also a good way of cementing the relationship!

Baby arrival

Perhaps you might find yourself in a situation where you already have a cat when you decide to start a family.

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This is a happy and exciting time for you, but it’s likely that your cat won’t share your joy. He will pick up on changes in the emotional dynamics of the house, such as when you’re feeling anxious or poorly, as well as any physical changes you make to the environment, such as creating and furnishing a nursery.

During the pregnancy, you can help make this transition easier for your cat by ensuring he is able to stick to his usual routines, including the times at which he is fed. However, there will be some changes that will need to be made, such as excluding him from any areas which will be designated as cat-free zones when baby arrives, especially the nursery. If possible, choose a room that your cat doesn’t spend much time in and keep the door closed. If your new baby will initially be with you in your bedroom, start denying your cat access to this room.

Making these adjustments as early on in the pregnancy as possible will help to reduce the number of changes your cat will experience when you bring baby home. If he shows signs of distress at a closed door, use a pheromone spray on the door frame. If he is used to sleeping with you, give him an alternative sleeping place made warm and cosy with a low voltage heated pet pad.

If you and your cat share a close bond, it’s unlikely that you will be able to give him the same amount of attention after the baby arrives. To minimise the effect of this, start gradually withdrawing from him as soon as your pregnancy is confirmed. I’m not suggesting you withdraw completely, but reduce the time you spend with your cat to a level that you think can be maintained when your baby arrives.

Giving him alternative sources of stimulation, such as allowing him increased access outdoors (via a cat flap) and providing him with plenty of high places (these are also useful for when baby starts to crawl), scratching posts, and even motion-sensor toys will all help him adjust to spending less time with you.

Babies require lots of baby furniture and accessories. To avoid your cat being flooded with new and different-smelling objects, it’s a good idea to put them away and introduce them to him gradually. You can also use a pheromone spray to reduce their impact.

A cat’s hearing is very sensitive and when a cat isn’t used to the cry of a baby, this can be stressful. Playing baby noises to your cat well before your new bundle arrives will help habituate him to the sounds. Start by playing them at low volume for moments only at a time and gradually build up the volume and length of exposure. 

Likewise, your cat may have never encountered a baby, so if you have any family or friends with babies, invite them over so that your cat can acclimatise to their presence. Use treats and play with your cat as a way of creating a positive experience when babies and children are around and avoid forcing any exposure on your cat.

Create hiding places for your cat for when it all gets too much. These could be sleeping bags under a bed, a blanket in the bottom of a wardrobe, or a cardboard box with a cushion inside. Hiding is a positive coping strategy, so it’s important to leave your cat undisturbed at these times.

When your baby arrives, and you find you’re not able to stick to the cat routines you created during pregnancy, your partner may be able to step in. You could also try asking a friend or family member who you know loves your cat to come and play with him.

Introducing cat to baby

Introduce baby and cat at a quiet time and in a room which isn’t one where he eats, sleeps or spends much time. If your cat is curious and wants to sniff the baby, allow him to do this. If he isn’t curious or doesn’t want to be near baby, that’s fine too. Don’t force any interactions but allow him to adjust in his own time. Any calm behaviour in the baby’s presence can be rewarded with treats.

If your cat is kept exclusively indoors, he will be more sensitive to changes in his environment and the impact on him will therefore be greater. Cats aren’t great with change, but successful introductions between cats and children can be achieved through careful preparation and by making changes gradually.