Your Cat's Health

Elevate your cat's well-being with expert advice on cat health. Explore solutions for common cat health problems and enhance your feline companion's vitality. Your guide to proactive cat health care!
Toxoplasmosis in cats
While it is a disease humans can catch from cats, the risk is very minimal explains vet Penny Clarke.
Your Cat's Health
Liver disease in cats 
The liver is an organ that does so many jobs that when it stops working properly it can cause serious problems. Vet…
Your Cat's Health
Megacolon in cats
Vet Penny Clarke explains what is megacolon in cats
Your Cat's Health
How to cope when your cat is ill
"My cat is ill!" — we'll help you cope practically and emotionally
Your Cat's Health
Wobbly cat syndrome
Cerebellar hypoplasia (wobbly cat syndrome) is a condition that gives felines a wobbly appearance. Here, vet Penny…
Your Cat's Health
What will happen if my cat drinks antifreeze?
What will happen if my cat drinks antifreeze? Find out what the symptoms of poisoning are and how can you protect your…
Your Cat's Health
How to manage osteoarthritis in cats
Arthritis affects an incredibly high number of cats. Vet Penny Clarke explains all about the condition and how to manage…
Health Care Your Cat's Health
What is feline asthma?
It can be pretty alarming watching (or hearing) a cat cough. Their body contorts like a feline yoga master all while…
Your Cat's Health
What happens to cats before they have surgery?
Is your cat due to have surgery but you're not sure of the protocol beforehand? Our expert vet tells us what we should…
Your Cat's Health