Today, we’ve teamed up with award-winning Pet Munchies to give away a selection of different delicious varieties of 100% Natural cat treats, to five lucky winners!
Pet Munchies are a premium gourmet range of freeze-dried cat treats made with 100% natural human-grade real meat. The treats contain no artificial colours or flavours, and are full of natural goodness that are essential for optimal health.
Healthy and tasty, there are three varieties to choose from: Gourmet Chicken Liver, Beef Liver or Fish Fillet. Made from the finest ingredients.
Packed with vitamins and minerals, including omega 3, antioxidants, calcium, and selenium, the treats are hypo-allergenic and easily digestible. They are grain, gluten, and salt free. Low in fat and high in protein.
From the moment the packet is open the delicious aromas will have your cats purring, and the tantalising taste will show your cat just how important he or she is to you.
Five winners will each receive a set of five pouches containing selection of:
- Fish Fillet Cat Treat
- Beef Liver Cat Treat
- Chicken Liver Cat Treat
For more information visit
This competition closes at 11:59pm on Thursday December 31, 2020, and is for UK residents only. Good luck!
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Closing date: 31/12/2020

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